Entries to Win Afghan

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Irene's Afghan is Done!


crocheted afghan on Boston rocker

Today I finished the afghan for my friend Irene. She already saw it, so I'm not ruining any surprise. The pattern was adapted from a free one on a yarn wrapper, and I'm going to post the directions on Associated Content, but I don't have that ready to do today.

Below is a closeup of one of the motifs, with the edging.

crocheted afghan motif

Hike Planning Report
Spent 3 hours working on the maps. Have about 2/3 of the base maps printed. Then I'll need to add some notes to them by hand.

The mango banana fruit leather is yummy!

A Major Hiking Goal Decision - my 2 year plan
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  1. that is very pretty

  2. Oh my, Sharky--that is just lovely! You never cease to amaze me!!

  3. My little niece has been learning how to do this. She just knitted herself a purse. She intended to do potholders, but then figured out all by herself how to modify it.

    The mention of the fruit leather is making me want to get my dehydrator back out.

  4. HI Ghosting- Thanks for stopping by.

    Ghosting and Lin- I'm glad you like the afghan. I think it's a really pretty pattern- classier than some.

    Ratty- I'm so glad that a lot of the yarn arts are coming back into vogue. I was afraid they all might be lost in our modern world. But the process can be very relaxing and soothing and you end up with something pretty too!

  5. Beautiful ghan, I love the pattern....do share. What a wonderful gift.

    Thanks for the heads up, I always love seeing beautiful things folks create.


  6. Sandy- that is high praise from you! Your afghans are truly gorgeous.

  7. That is lovely. Your friend Irene is a very Lucky Friend indeed. Thank you for sharing the link with me.

  8. Thank you Grandmother. I love seeing all the old patterns on your site. Of course I want to make almost all of them!

  9. What a beautiful afghan! I haven't crocheted one of them in many years. Carpal tunnel got in the way, but I did pick up a hook last week for the first time since surgery. I came over from Secondary Roads to see your talent. It's a really good one!

  10. Thanks, Clara- once in a while I actually finish something!

  11. I love the afghan. I have not ventured too far in my knitting, but hope to soon. Your friend is a lucky lady.

  12. Merry- Actually, this is crocheted, but Irene has done so much for me, this doesn't begin to repay her kindness!


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