Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Maggie's Tips for a Holiday Weekend

dog waitingFirst of all, Maggie says "REMEMBER THAT TOMORROW IS QUIZ DAY! Come back and my mom will ask you silly and unfair questions which you can guess or make up some answers for. And if you win she says she'll give you an ad for a month.

Now, for my tips to get the most out of any holiday weekend. Trust me, these are the secret to HOLIDAY SUCCESS. ARF!

1. Anticipate every good thing that is going to happen!

dog licking platter

2. Let someone else do the cooking, if at all possible!

dog with stick

3. If you find a really good stick, run with it!

funny dog with ears flapping

4. If you are having fun, don't worry about looking silly! (Mom says sorry that this is from another year, but it's the funniest pic of me)

dog nosing in bucket

5. If you are offered a chance to go to the mall, just say NO, especially if there's a good compost bucket within range.

dog nosing a campfire circle

6. Never pass up leftovers, even if they have extra charcoal (good for calming tummy aches).

dog sleeping

7. Get plenty of rest! Holidays can be stressful.

See Maggie's Tips- Wear Orange
See Ester, the Shark, and the Zoo


  1. Very good advice, worth noting and following, I'm sure.

  2. Excellent tips Maggie. I especially like the one about the mall. Duke says hi and thanks for stopping by to see him

  3. All good tips from Maggie. Love the pic that goes with no.4 :)

  4. Carmen- Maggie's good with her opinion!

    Ann- We have our own Nature Mall! Pet Duke.

    Ivy- Yes, that is one of my favs, and a very lucky shot.

  5. I always let someone else do the cooking. I'd just fry everything if I was doing it, and I don't think they'd like that. I think I'd also prefer a good compost bucket to the mall. :)

  6. hello maggie its dennis the vizsla dog hay gud advice and importent sayfty tips!!! dada sez thanks egon i hav no ideea wot he is tawking abowt as yoozhual!!! ok bye

  7. Ratty- I hope someone cooks nice meals for you. Or do you get dry bread and cheese?

    Hi Dennis- I knew you would agree with Maggie's advice!

  8. Loved this post! Maggie is a great Christmas interpreter. And yes the galloping photo make her look silly and funny.


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