Entries to Win Afghan

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Nature's Alphabet: P - T

the letter P

the letter Q

the letter R

the letter S

the letter T

See Nature's Alphabet K-O
See Nature's Alphabet A-E


  1. These are always very creative. It must have been hard to find the Q. That one is an interestingly strange one.

  2. You are amazing! I am anxiously awaiting the rest.

  3. Amazing shots! If one is not observant enough, one will not spot all these nature's alphabets. :)

  4. Really sharp observation you have there sharkie :)
    I love the dog picture. The orange are so vibrant

  5. Your alphabet letters are so inspired!! Very creative and surprising!

  6. I am really loving your alphabet. I need to pay more attention to things when I'm out and about with the camera :)

  7. Not only do I love these letter finds, but I just noticed your new (?) signature line. Very cool!

  8. Hi Ratty- Actually I found 3 possible Qs. The R was the hard one.

    Carmen- Not so amazing... just a distorted brain. You can find them too!

    BK- You got it! It's just a matter of looking.

    Vanilla- The point of the orange is so that hunters can see it. Bright is good.

    Hi wenn- thanks!

    Karen- I just like finding things in other things.

    Ann- I bet you will find them!

    Hi Lin- Glad you noticed the signature! But I haven't found any more grilled cheese.

  9. My favorite is S! Well done again. :)


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