Entries to Win Afghan

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Tails or Heads?

Christmas tree going up
Christmas tree top


  1. It is certainly a big one! I looked at last year's decorated one and that was beautiful. I'm sure you're going to show us this year's finished tree!

  2. Looks like a lot of help with that big tree. Can't wait to see it decorated.

  3. wow, tall one. need decorations.

  4. Your title gave me a chuckle when I see the first photo! That was fun!

  5. oh, that's a tall one Sharkbytes, maybe I would go for the tail? Hehehe!

    by the way, thanks a lot for making my blog part of your nature network, I highly appreciate it, had been too busy lately, will hop into your new site later.

  6. That is a beauty!!! Glad to see you got it up just in time!

  7. It's good to see a real Christmas tree. I gave up and got a fake one about 5 years ago.

  8. Sold Christmas trees to help put myself through college.. Been a few years ago

  9. Carmen- We have only one string of lights, and are seriously running out of time. But it will be decorated to some extent!

    Auntie E- we used to do it alone, but get help from a young friend these days.

    wenn- stay tuned!

    Icy- I was despairing of what to post till I actually LOOKED at the pictures!

    HI betchai- I know you have been very busy, but I've missed you.

    Hi Lin- Horray for extra empty boxes.

    Ratty- it smells SO good! Worth the effort.

    Hi Joe- Wow, could you actually make enough to help?

    Hi Julia! Maybe you'll get to see heads. Om is camera shy. The other head is the bagpipe player (see last winter)


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