Entries to Win Afghan

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Christmas Cactus is on My Schedule

Christmas Cactus bud

Last year, this bloomed in March. This year, in January. If you call it a Christmas Cactus that makes it about 3 weeks late, which is just about right for me! First is the bud on Jan 7, and below is the flower today.

Christmas Cactus flower

See Springtime In and Near My Kitchen for last year's bloom


  1. It's still strange for me to think of a cactus with flowers on it. I never knew they did that until about six months ago. I can imagine that flowers in the house must brighten things up on winter days. I wish I could grow things in the house, but they'd all end up dead, due to my laziness.

  2. Beautiful bloom! I am sure this flower will brighten someone's day in the cold winter.

  3. Beautiful flower! The color is gorgeous.

  4. I didn't know that a cactus can yield such a beautiful flower!

  5. I have two Christmas Cactus and they bloom a couple times a year. My pink one like yours is getting ready to bloom again. They are great plants. And I don't know what happened to the Momma Moose

  6. Very nice. I wish I still had mine. If I had only been better at remembering to water the darn thing.

  7. Ratty- Cacti have beautiful flowers! I'm hoping to go to the flower show again this year, and maybe I'll be able to get some pictures of really nice ones.

    BK- It has brightened mine!

    Vanilla- cacti have amazing blooms, but they don't all bloom every year.

    Marg- What other colors of blooms do Christmas Cactus have? I've only seen pink.

    Ann- I'm trying to change my houseplants to all succulents so that they are very forgiving.

  8. At least, yours blooms, Joan. I had one for years that appeared healthy, at least its leaves did, but it never bloomed. I like the color. It must be nice to have it blooming, in the midst of all that snow outdoors!

  9. Carmen- I used to have one that never bloomed. This one was a gift, and it seems to be doing better. It sure doesn't get any special attention from me!


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