Entries to Win Afghan

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Writing Jan 25- Feb 2

Writing has been a little slow this past week. I've spent a lot of time on the Haiti posts. SIL Loretta was here for several days, and I've got a couple of things to show you from that visit. Today I had a commitment that kept me busy from 6 am till 8:30 tonight. But I did get a few things done.

I did 1 long article for Textbroker. At the end of each month at Shared Reviews, it's important to get a bunch of new ones posted right away, so I made that my priority and wrote 14 reviews, and one article. I made $51.87 there last month.

Drum roll... I took Moose in Boots out of the box and showed it to Loretta (a former teacher). She likes it a lot, so I'm inspired. I promise to work on it in Feb.


  1. A little bit helps! You are fantastic to accomplish so much in a day.

  2. Wow, great job at SR. I think I made $12 but I didn't write anything. That is one nice thing about writing there.. you can still make money while you take a break.


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