Entries to Win Afghan

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Magnetic Rock

Magnetic Rock, Minnesota

I was inspired by John's Sphinx Rock over at English Wilderness. Sometimes there are so many overwhelming things to see on hikes that I never get around to sharing some of them. Here's an example.

This great monolith is known as Magnetic Rock, and it is on the Border Route/ North Country Trail in Minnesota's Arrowhead. This is one instance where the Ham Lake fire of 2008 might be considered to provide a benefit. Previously, this rock was quite hidden among the tall trees of the forest. Now... well, you can see how it looks now! We were there just about a year ago, so I suppose I should qualify the "now," but no tall trees have grown up in a year.

Need some perspective on how big Magnetic Rock is? Try this.

Magnetic Rock, Minnesota

We leave tomorrow morning! I'll try to post just before we go, and I've got some things scheduled, too.

See Live Post- What a Hike!
See Home- the Hike Was Great!


  1. Very interesting rock! From your distant shot, it looked like a giant arrowhead!

  2. That looks really impressive. Also pretty difficult to scale for an occasional climber, but I'd give it a go. :-)

    Do you know where the name came from?

  3. Is it called the Magnetic Rock because of it drawing people to it?

  4. Often forest fires are beneficial. Though I hate to hear of trees burning and habitat for animals birds etc being destroyed often it improves after the fire. So much happens for a reason in nature it's pretty incredible.

    Cool picture, and you're right, the rock's size is very misleading.

    Thanks for the visit, hope to you again soon

  5. So tomorrow will be one of your great day.


  6. It didn't look quite so large in the first picture. Cool rock.

  7. Wow! It's a lot bigger than it looks in the first picture.


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