Entries to Win Afghan

Friday, June 4, 2010

McCormick Wilderness

wilderness sign

The final day of this hike, Tuesday, we walked the 7 miles through the McCormick Wilderness. "Wilderness" means land that has been officially so designated. It is not managed for timber, hunting, etc. There are no mechanized or motorized tools/ vehicles, etc allowed (not anything with a wheel either). That means that trail work can not be done with any power tools. In Region 9 of the US Forest Service, which is all but North Dakota along the NCT, they also do not allow blazes in the wilderness. There have been tales making the rounds for years of people getting lost in this area because the trail could not be found. For the past two years the NCT Chapter that maintains this part has been raking the entire 7 miles by hand, twice a year, to try to keep the treadway visible! We laughed and laughed! Not only did we not get lost, we really didn't need the GPS. There was a clear brown treadway to follow all the way through. It was some of the nicest trail we've seen anywhere. In fall when the leaves come down, or winter, it would be difficult, but the raking sure makes it a snap now. What an undertaking!

big rock

The area was less hilly than the day before and we made good time. There are many very large glacial erratic rocks to walk by. Here's a BIG one!

trail sign

Here I am at the end point near the parking lot on the Peshekee Grade where this segment ended. I have under 200 miles to go to finish the trail!.

soaking feet

This always feels great after a day of hiking!

By the time you read this we will be back on the trail for the next piece. I've got things scheduled for every day... some from this hike, some from other times, so feel free to come back. I'll see you, live, probably on June 11 or 12.


  1. Oh my I can't imagine raking 7 miles of trail by hand. That's some job. It does look lovely through there.

  2. 7 miles, wow. You are brave. How fun though and I love the last shot, so relaxing and refreshing.

  3. I think, if I ever hiked seven miles, I'd have to have a masseuse waiting at the end and a nice dry martini!!

    Love the pictures!

  4. This place looks like heaven to me, though I don't know if someone like me should be out there when the trail is more obscure.

  5. Ah, my favorite trails have always been ones that end in lakes.


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