Entries to Win Afghan

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

No End to Food!

peach cobbler

Just more food! A couple of quick glimpses. Peach Cobbler above.

ginger snaps

More cookies- gingersnaps.
Fly Creek Tent

And, I got to sleep in my new tent that was a gift from Marie's brother, Larry! Yeah! See you tomorrow... gotta scoot. Way TOO rushed.


  1. oh, the cookies look so yummy and tempting me, now if I can only have some.

  2. The peach cobbler looks delicious and I love gingersanps

  3. That peach cobbler has me trying to reach through my monitor.

  4. Looks yummy. Was the tent comfy?

  5. Peach cobbler - ohhhhh, this Georgia born gal likes the sound
    ( and sight ) of that. Your one person tent is too cute!!!


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