Entries to Win Afghan

Monday, August 30, 2010

Saved by the Breeze

This isn't anything earth shaking... just tree-shaking (chuckle). Today was yet another horribly hot day (supposedly one more to go), but it was saved by a bit of a breeze. If you look just above the tree tops you'll see a daytime moon. These are quaking aspen, and they tremble in the wind. I just like it.


  1. Seeing those trees blowing in the wind does help give at least the illusion of a cooler day. I can do without this heat.

  2. Why we who from different corners of the globe are having the same hot weather?

  3. I love the sound of the wind in the aspens. So soothing and peaceful.

  4. we've had a couple of hot ones here too. It was up to 93 this afternoon.

  5. Thank you. We had aspens back home. (Colorado)

  6. the video made a lot of difference, it brings magic and coolness and definitely extra-ordinary, which if simply a picture of a tree like that won't.

  7. Ratty - Well, it really was more than an illusion. Without the breeze it would have been brutal. But I've sure had enough for one year.

    rainfield- don't know, but isn't is supposed to be hot where you are?

    Chuck- it really is. sometimes i can sit and just watch the trees for a long long time

    Ann- too hot for me!

    Vanilla- you must have them in Indiana too...

    betchai- yup... a still shot just doesn't do it, while just half a minute of video nailed it!

  8. The sound of those leaves rustling in the wind is so calming and peaceful. The day moon is always a gorgeous sight for me and it was a treat to see it in this video.

  9. Too hot for them here; we are just below the extreme southern edge of their range.


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