Entries to Win Afghan

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Writing and Reading

Get Off the Couch with JoanBoth of my ebooks were accepted into the main Smashwords catalog today. That means they will get listed on several larger eBook catalog sites. Did you know that you don't have to have an eReader to read an eBook? Many formats are available in addition to the proprietary ones. Plain old txt, rtf, or pdf can be downloaded, or they can be read in a browser. (Only $2.99)

And I just found the article that Frida Waara wrote for Silent Sports. You can read it at Michigan woman hikes North Country Trail

Been writing more articles for Associated Content and Helium.

See Writing, August 27


  1. Great news! With your books. You must be thrilled.

    I am slowly going through your book at night. I love the format and I am reading one entry at a time. It's perfect for my reading time right now. :)

  2. Julia - Thanks! It's been a long time coming. Now I just need to figure out how to spur some sales. I thought that a reasonable price would kick off a small flurry of purchases from friends. Only one so far.

    I'm so glad that you like the book. A lot of people read it like you are, and that makes me really happy because that's sort of how I pictured people taking it in... in small doses.


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