Entries to Win Afghan

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Good Timing at Sheep Ranch Pathway


dog in grassy opening

Today, I had a meeting to go to about 30 miles from home. There's a trail near there called Sheep Ranch Pathway. (I've never researched it, but I'm guessing it might have been a former sheep ranch, ya' think?) So, I got to eat pizza and Maggie got to wait in the car for 3 hours. But finally we headed to the woods. It's an area of varied forest, wetlands, and small lakes. If you hike it all, it's 4.5 miles- long enough to feel as if it were worth the trip. Here's Maggie standing in what is pretty much an oak savannah ecosystem.

Baldwin River

At the very north end of the trail system, you can access the Baldwin River. It's a nice place to let a dog get a drink.

northern maidenhair fern

The colors are pretty much gone. Another frost last night loosened even more of the leaves from the trees. But even in brown, the northern maidenhair fern has an intricate beauty.

Leverentz Lake

There are two small State Forest Campgrounds there, on Big and Little Leverentz Lakes. This is the bigger one. Not too picturesque on a gray day, but any day in the woods is better than a day on the couch!

dog eating garbage

Maggie wants you to know that she had a great time. Not only was it a nice walk, but she got to sample deer guts (before I managed to chase her away), and found a donut for dessert. With pink frosting, no less!

The good timing? It started to rain just as we got back to the car!

See First Snow and Last Hike for another hike in this location
See Sheep Ranch Pathway


  1. Maggie is as curious as my dog when spending time inside the jungle.

    They would like to explore and "mark" their territories.

  2. That was a nice walk. Thanks for taking me along with you and Maggie.

  3. Good timing - it's not often we get it right, glad you did but we both know it does not really matter a good walk is great rain or shine :)

  4. A hike is better than sitting on a couch. Your hikes are inspiration.

  5. Sounds like another quality day for Maggie. Deer guts and a pink doughnut - isn't she quite the gourmet, lol

  6. Although I was enjoying all the photos I was feeling a little sorry for Maggie since she didn't get pizza but then when I read about the deer guts AND donut with pink icing I realized she enjoyed the day too :)

  7. Sounds & looks like a great day! Maggie deserved a hike after politely waiting. I love dogs, she's a beauty with that pretty white face. It's suppose to rain here tomorrow. I can't wait!

  8. rainfield- "curious" yeah, right... scrounging!

    Chuck- you are welcome. Actual company would have been welcome too.

    Carol- being out is always good. I don't mind a little damp, but I'm at my yearly quota for being soaking wet with cheer.

    Jean- well, I don't know about an inspiration... I just have to go OUT.

    Ivy- certainly an exquisite gastronomic experience in her dry dog food world!

    Ann- Yes, she got herself a REAL treat! (And thankfully didn't throw it up in the car)

    Jane- Her pretty white face is called old age! She's a good companion.

  9. Deer guts? Donuts? I think we have the beginnings of a new campfire song ...

  10. Poor deer, entrails missing. Clearly Maggie isn't a picky eater. I guess she was ravenous afer her hike.


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