Entries to Win Afghan

Thursday, October 28, 2010

October Windstorm- My View

Since this windstorm of the past three days was supposed to be really serious, I decided to document some of it, in my kingdom.

This was predicted to be as bad as the 1998 storm which did a lot of local damage. It flattened whole valleys full of trees at Ludington State Park. See Two Lighthouses and a Trail, for a picture of how that area is beginning to re-grow. It broke my big basswood (18-inch diameter) right off at the base. That storm also rolled a small travel trailer I owned, in the driveway! So, with the predictions I was thinking we might lose a tree or two... not something that makes me happy.

The end result wasn't too bad right here (no broken trees). At Big Sable Point, also see the linked post above, they recorded gusts of 71 mph. North, at the straights of Mackinac, there were 78 mph winds. Wow. They reported on the news tonight that the barometer dropped so low that it was actually a sub-tropical depression here in the northland. There were a lot of power outages, and downed trees in Michigan, but none right here.

So, my documentary doesn't have any horrible happenings. I'm not a bit disappointed!


  1. Wow, that wind is really gusting. I'm surprised you could stand and film with all that going on! The motion isn't that apparent in your camera. And it's still nice and sunny!

  2. I am very disappointed if there were any horrible happenings.

  3. Glad that you had no horrible happenings.

  4. Wow that's some wind, glad it didn't turn out as bad as expected. We had some wind here but I don't think it was even as bad as what you had

  5. I'm glad that it wasn't as bad as what was predicted. I love watching windstorms, if only no damages could be guaranteed. :)


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