Entries to Win Afghan

Monday, December 27, 2010

What Fun!

Loretta did make it, and I've been crocheting furiously- I think the afghan is going to be finished before she has to leave. Sorry, but visiting your blogs has been a casualty of that project (and cooking).

Christmas Dinner

We had Christmas Dinner yesterday. Everything turned out great (horray!), and it was fun to have someone to share it with. snowshoeing

This afternoon, I borrowed an extra pair of snowshoes, and we took a little hike- about a mile. Loretta said that was perfect. She has to wear a knee brace, so shorter hikes are best.

We are having a great time... we watched a couple of movies, hiked, ATE yummy things! Hoping you all have had some great parts of your holidays, too!


  1. The last picture gives me an idea of how snowshoes work. I had the general idea, but I've always wondered about some of the specifics. I've really never seen any in action except on a movie that was set about 200 years ago. After typing all of that, I find it odd that I would focus on the snowshoes.

  2. Thanks for sharing you day. Enjoy New Year and I hope it is a great one for you. Now get back to the crochet! :)

  3. How lovely that you are having such a fun time with your friend. That is a wonderful Christmas gift!

  4. Sounds like a nice time! Like those snowshoes!

  5. Sounds like you had a perfect Christmas. Just look, you even had Santa for dinner...lol
    Finishing the afghan is much more important than blog visits and besides we'll all still be there when you are done and have the extra time. Enjoy the rest of your visit with Loretta

  6. Sounds like you're having lots of fun. I'm glad that you're enjoying the holidays with your friend. Hope you finish the afghan soon!

  7. Hi Ratty- you've just given me an idea for a post or even a video!

    Glynis- Thanks so much. As you can see today, I've been good!

    rainfield- It is, indeed, my friend

    Carmen- yes, it has made the holiday for me.

    Karen- Those ones are actually an ok, but not great pair that I borrow occasionally when I have a friend here. I need to get a second pair of my own.

    Ann- Thanks for understanding! I will be back to visit you soon.

    Ivy- As you can see, it's done! I think it's the fastest I've ever completed one- about 15 months.


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