Entries to Win Afghan

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Pentwater Pathway with Ellen

skiing at Pentwater Pathway

Ellen will deny this, but she's a much better skier than I am. But I'm willing to do the easy trails, so we met this morning at Pentwater Pathway for some skiing. It's a beautiful set of loops within the Pere Marquette State Forest. Ellen is really active with the Oceana County Cross-Country Ski Association, and they groom the trails. That's really great for the skiers, but it meant that Maggie couldn't go on this adventure. Sad for her.

First we skied the easy yellow loop, but that took less than an hour, not quite as much time as we wanted to ski. But Ellen had a plan. She knew how to drive around to the back side of the area where we could access a large loop that is rated intermediate, but there's a nice long section that's very easy. So we skied that to a junction and then back to the car. Perfect!

skiing at Pentwater Pathway

It was surprising that there were no fresh wildlife tracks at all. The weather is warm enough that I would have thought the critters would be out roaming for meals, but we didn't see anything. On the way home, I saw some ducks, but they were too far away to snap their portraits, so you'll have to settle for Ellen and me again.

Come back tomorrow and find out what the game will be this time!


  1. You look great all bundled up in your ski gear. Poor Maggie was probably in mourning when you took off for the day and left her behind!! I thought the shot of you was great - I didn't miss the critter tracks since you gave us that big smile!!

  2. I do not have any skiing experience.

    It is must very fun!!

  3. skiing is something I've never tried. Sounds like you had a great day though. Poor Maggie, too bad she had to miss out on the fun

  4. I love skiing, but I haven't done it in years. Maybe Joe and I can take that up again when the kids are gone. We'll have LOTS of time then. :)

    I thought of you the other day when I found a yard full of opossum tracks!! He's been visiting the heater in the pond to get a drink.

  5. Carmen- Well, that's nice of you to say, but I'd rather see the wildlife. Maggie really got cheated, because I was too tired to give her a good walk later, either.

    rainfield- It is great fun! I wish I were better at it.

    Ann- we have an adventure planned, possibly for next week, that Maggie can go on. Stay tuned.

    Lin- hope you do revisit some favorite hobbies when you get the time. I haven't seen any possum tracks here this year. Bummer.


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