Entries to Win Afghan

Friday, May 20, 2011

Bright Colors

blue sky and branches

Nothing very profound today. I have to get out the door, and I knew Thursday night that it would be impossible for me to leave when I wanted to. So the whole trip will be extra rushed. You would think I could get better at not doing that all the time, wouldn't you?
dandelions and daisies

So, I'll just share some bright spots of fun from my last couple of days. Hope you find some too!


  1. Beautiful sky and beautiful flowers, Joan. What more could one ask?? I love them.

    Have a lovely weekend.

  2. That sky is just gorgeous in the first pictures. That second one could have been taken in my yard, that's pretty much how it looks right now

  3. Those are bright and beautiful.
    Plenty of that here too.
    Hope your trip goes well.

  4. Love that second picture in particular. Love, love, love it!

  5. very colorful second photo Sharkbytes, the wildflowers are giving their spectacular display.

  6. Unless my eyes deceive me I can see daisies ... they say that if you can fit more than five under one of your feet then a wonderful warm spell is on the way. Looks like Summer is coming!!


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