Entries to Win Afghan

Friday, May 27, 2011

Jackson Pond Campsite

Jackson Lake campsite

In theory, I'll be home before this posts, but I may be too tired to care. This is where I camped for my 3-day hike. Marie and her brother Larry joined me for two of the days. Lovely spot. Will show more of the hike in the next few days.


  1. Looking forward to more on your hike.

  2. Yaiks... Miss camping days..!! I'm not sure when can I do this again.

  3. This brings back happy days and memories for me, sold the tent long ago.

  4. looks a very lovely hike, wish i can go camping too

  5. rainfield- why is camping so WOW? I do it as often as possible!

    Chuck- you know I'll have plenty to tell.

    John- just hop in the car and head for Madison County NY!

    borris- Just take that little one and start early!

    Carol- sleeping outside is one of the joys of life.

    betchai- come ahead... we'll go together

    Ferd- it was an exceptionally pretty spot.

  6. looks like a great spot to set up camp.


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