Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Twin Trouble

This must have been a fantastic year for twin fawns. Almost every whitetail deer family I see has twins. Including the family in my lawn. This one says, "I'm very cute."

whitetail fawn

The other one says, "I'm a little shy."

whitetail fawn

"But look at my lovely ears and eyelashes."

whitetail fawn

"Who cares, I can catch my tail."

whitetail fawn

The person behind the camera says, "Adorable now, goodbye flowers later."


  1. They are such beautiful creatures. Thanks for all the pics ;)

  2. They are beautiful. It's been a few weeks since we've seen our local twins. They are quite shy. I do see hoof prints around the place though.

  3. aw how adorable they are. What fun to get to watch them

  4. It is fun to have seen this little fawn.

    It makes me feeling younger.

  5. Wonderful, wonderful pictures of these fawns. I love every chance I get to see some.

  6. blueeyes- they are beautiful- overall my view is a bit jaundiced- we have WAY too many.

    vanilla- want 'em?

    chuck- there is nothing shy about this family. they practically come up to the house. mom and the first fawn are really bold.

    Ann- girls would kill for those eyelashes

    rainfield- i tried to get a video of one of them playing last week, but I was too slow. It was dancing around

    ratty- i like 'em, but there are just TOO many

  7. oh wow, beautiful shots, the details and lines are awesome.

  8. betchai- they were only about 10 feet from the house

    Gail- the first one was quite a poser.

  9. Oh soo beautiful, oh how I wish I could pet and kiss his little nose. You must be so happy having baby fawns on your lawn :))). How come they got there? You live in the vicinity of a forest?


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