Entries to Win Afghan

Friday, July 22, 2011

White-faced Meadowhawk

female white-faced meadowhawk

Isn't this a beauty! I'm pretty sure it's a white-faced meadowhawk, Sympetrum obstrusum. There's a discussion going on Bugguide.net about the ID, so I might have to change it. It's a female for sure. The males are red if this ID is right. The other best candidate species would have a blue male.

female white-faced meadowhawk


  1. Amazing pictures, Joan! I have no knowledge whatsoever of these critters but you sure got good photos of it, whatever he is!

  2. Great shot. I used to call the dragonflies helicopter when I was little. We would stick some coconut 'lidi'(the stick from coconut palm leaf) on the bank of the stream and the helicopter would 'land' at the tip of the lidi.They were colourful too.

    Thank you for sharing. Luv the pix

  3. Nice shots! I haven't been able to get any good dragonfly pictures taken this year.

  4. They always remind me of little helicopters.

  5. wow, fabulous shots. Trying to play catch up tonight. I've gotten so far behind

  6. Amazing photos! I have never seen this Dragonfly. Thanks for sharing this beauty!

  7. Great dragonfly pictures. I always have trouble photographing these things.

  8. Carmen- well, i'm trying to learn a few of them- or at least the differences between groups- that's probably all it will come to.

    umihoney- the big ones really do look like helicopters

    IP- thanks- I take lots and that way some are in focus.

    Casey- well, they have to cooperate and hold still for a few seconds at least, and then the camera has to decide to focus...

    John- the big ones even sound like they have a motor

    Ann- I'm getting behind too- have had things this week

    Jean- it may be an immature male instead of a female, in which case it would darken as it ages to red.

    John- wow! a comment from you must mean that these are really nice. I just keep snapping and trying to get them in a nice position and then hope the camera focuses.

  9. You rule the insect world with your camera. Fantastic!

  10. vanilla- only because I take lots of tries!


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