Entries to Win Afghan

Monday, September 12, 2011

More Vistas

My work assignments last week took me farther north than usual, and the landscape gets a little hillier there. I grabbed a couple of pix with views, but then also saw the sandhill cranes that day, so I never used these.

I have a really busy week this week, and should be in Marquette when you read this. Not sure about internet access, so I scheduled posts for a couple of days, just in case. If you can be in Marquette Wednesday evening, come to my program at the Peter White Library, 7 pm!

Michigan view

I don't have time to look up what you are seeing, or give you much detail, so I hope you'll forgive me and just "enjoy the views." They were taken on 9-Mile Road in Manistee County, looking west and then east.

Michigan view

Believe me, I'll make sure to remember where these are, because there aren't many places in lower Michigan where you can see so far.

See Sauble
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  1. You don't have time to look up what I am seeing, because you are behind the slope in the second picture.


    See you.

  2. Love the rolling hills! Have fun in Marquette.

  3. That is a great view. Have a good time

  4. Very nice views, Joan. I feel like I'm on a road trip!


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