Entries to Win Afghan

Friday, October 7, 2011

Top Commenter Love for September

I'm not a big fan of hearts on everything. But, I sure couldn't resist this amazing picture. At first I was just attracted to the crisp shadows on the tree trunk, and didn't even see the heart until later. It's so perfect, it looks like I faked it.

oak leaf shadows make heart shape

But it's a great image to show how much I appreciate all of you who take the time to interact with me on a regular basis. A free link could be yours... just tell me what you think, often!

Here are the top commenters for September, that Ann kept saying she was busy, or taking a break, but look what she did!

There were 38 different people who left messages in August, and a total of 189 separate comments (not counting my own responses to them).

The top 10 commenters for August are:

Ann's Snap & Edit (Ann- 25 comments)- Ann's has a clean desk, and an adorable Westie who sometimes blogs with her.
Carmen's Chronicles (Carmen- 23 comments)- Carmen is getting ready for a trip to India.
Secondary Roads (Chuck- 20 comments)- Chuck really chimed in more than some months, even with taking a short trip with Sylvia
Duck & Wheel with String (Lin- 14 comments)- Lin is busy pushing marimbas around, tied with
My Journey (rainfield61- 14 comments)- he's been seeing rainbows lately.
My SIL Loretta came in next with 11 comments, but she doesn't have a blog.
The Joys of Simple Life (Betchai- 9 comments) a person who loves to hike as much as I do.
Wiseacre Gardens (John- 8 comments)- he blogs in spurts, but finds really interesting things in the woods when he does, tied with
String Too Short to Tie (David (vanilla)- 8 comments)- with recent surgery, he may be seeing better.
The Joy of Bird Watching and Living a Simple Life (Jean- 6 comments)- a birder from Georgia with some good pix.

The small banner in the sidebar for a month is just a tiny way to say thanks for sharing your thoughts. Thank you, yet again.

See Trail Work Day
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  1. congrats on the list photo is interesting.

  2. First: I love your photo with the sunshine heart on the tree. How very cool!
    Joan...you are an inspiration.
    You have helped me "get my feet moving".:)

  3. It is going to be a very busy life looking forward. Hopefully I shall not fall out from the Top Ten.

    I love the heart, it is so transparent.

  4. Nice pic and interesting that you only noticed the heart later. Thanks for the link. This blog is one of my first stops of the day.

  5. What a unique picture. How fortunate for you to find it.

  6. NO WAY!!! I can't believe I actually did that many comments...lol
    What a cool picture that is, it does look like you set it up that way

  7. What a great shot! It is so cool to find little gems like that in nature!

  8. yehey, I am glad I am still in the top 10 despite life had been very busy now for me. oh, love those heart shape shadows, glad you saw them.

  9. Hi Mona- I love the shadows, I almost wish the heart wasn't there, because now it's all I can see when I look at it.

    Jean- that's one of the nicest things anyone can say to me- If I've inspired you to take even one extra walk then I am a very happy person!

    rainfield- I think you'll be here. We speak the same languages, you usually whisper and I sometimes shout, but we understand.

    Chuck- mutually true, my friend... one of these days we'll manage to translate that to real life.

    Emma- I think it found me. I only saw the shadows until I looked at it after I got home and discovered the heart

    Ann- You just couldn't stay away. hahah

    John- I love Michigan, right?

    betchai- you are quiet, but you always seem to come by. thanks!

  10. Dang! We can never beat Ann!! Sheesh. Even when she takes a break, she STILL wins!!


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