Entries to Win Afghan

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

We were invited to have Thanksgiving dinner with our new (since summer) pastor and family, and their neighbors. I was nice to have somewhere to go. Most of the pictures I took are terrible, but you get the idea. I'm sure it looks pretty much like T-day looked at your house too!

carving a turkey

The pastor is at the far end of the table.

Thanksgiving dinner

See And a Wonderful Meal it Was 2010
See A Quiet Thanksgiving 2009
See We Were Loud 2008
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  1. Looks like you had a wonderful day! Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. It must have been a nice Thanksgiving.

  3. Happy thanksgiving.

    Though I have to work today.

  4. I stayed at home, trying to finish up this packing. Jeremy, my youngest, came over later to bring me some of the fixings that his roommate prepared ( with his mom's help ) so, at least, I did get turkey!

    I'm going up to West Sac tomorrow for a Saturday Thanksgiving since Laura had to work ( paramedic ) yesterday.

    Glad you had such a nice day.

  5. Thanks for the greetings..

    Happy Thanksgiving as well..!! Sure you have a good one.

  6. Looks like quite a crowd, glad you had a nice day

  7. Belated Happy Thanksgiving! And I was so thrilled to learn about your mystery novel! I already liked it on Facebook. I'll definitely be promoting it!

  8. Thanks, everyone, for the T-day wishes! It was nice to have a day off.

  9. How nice that you had a nice place to go on Thanksgiving! :) Looks like a warm homey holiday.

  10. Wow.. thats really a lot for thansgiving. I know its very late. But Happy Thanksgiving

    Visit me here as well: http://www.traveltomydreams.com/



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