Entries to Win Afghan

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Interesting Barns

I had to work today, and it was raining all day. At least it wasn't pouring for most of the afternoon. The best things I saw were two interesting barns. First is one with an ogee roof. I actually saw several like this today.

barn with ogee roof

They sent me to an area I'd never been to before. In fact, I don't think I'd ever been in one of the small towns.

Here's a round barn.

round barn

The day did not lend itself to exploring, and I just barely finished by dark. I can't complain about work for pay, but I got 26 assignments yesterday that have to be done by the 23rd! Time is going to be tight.

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  1. The barn is looking at you.

    But it keeps its mouth shut.

  2. The first barn appears to be in great shape. Many of the older barns around here are allowed to fall apart. I suppose that the reason is they don't work well with modern farm methods. That ogee roof is work of beauty. Someone must have taken pride in that and perhaps still does.

  3. I love barns, old or new.
    26 assignments by the 23rd, you are going to be very busy

  4. That first one is a most elegant building...

  5. rainfield- yes! The other two didn't even have eyes, so I got you the most prescient one!

    Chuck- I was north, but as far east as you... just up 66 at Marion

    Ann- Only 7 done so far, one got closed out... I'm seriously hopping

    Grace- Isn't it interesting how much care some people put into their barns?

  6. I spent Wednesday driving in the rain too. I saw plenty of barns, but none that were this interesting to look at.

  7. Oh, I love that first barn!! LOVELY!


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