Entries to Win Afghan

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Maggie's Christmas

Just in case you were worried about what kind of a Christmas Maggie had, she'd like you to know that she was well cared for by Santa. Her favorite treat, rawhide was under the tree (she followed it from the Kitchen to the Living Room, and could hardly wait for it to be laid down).

Dog eating rawhide bone

And, post turkey putting away, yeah, ok... she got to lick the platter. It was Christmas, after all!

Dog licking platter

Lack of sleep last night (taking Steve to airport), and an early doctor appt for Josh in the morning means that I'm headed for bed right now.

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  1. Awww, looks like Maggie had a GREAT holiday! Did she enjoy the visit of Josh's dog??

  2. Maggie did okay. Both are some great stuff for dogs.

  3. Abby got her bone on Christmas Eve this year since it was a stocking stuffer and we opened our socks on Christmas Eve. She got a big doggie cookie Christmas morning and loved it along with an interactive game for finding her food. A Great Christmas for our dog!

  4. Lin- nope... she doesn't care much about Loopy

    Ratty- I know... I don't want to really spoil her

    Karen- nice to share it with the pups!

  5. Maggie looks most content....hope you got some rest. It seems like Christmas was very full and happy.

  6. Duke was wondering how his friend Maggie made out for Christmas. He'll be happy to know she had a most excellent holiday :)


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