Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Tree Comes to the Yard

Christmas tree on car

That's it... we got the tree here. We have no idea when we can manage to set it up! The upstairs (living area) is too big a mess to bring it in. That's my problem. Om went on a cleaning jag and the downstairs (bedrooms and den) is pretty good.

I'm facing a horribly busy week (I know, who isn't?), and don't see much hope of straightening up. I should have done it today, but mostly goofed off. Well, not mostly, but more than most days.

So, the craziness starts in about 8 hours. You can come along for the ride! I still promise something good every day, but who knows what it will be?

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  1. A tree that is not blocking your windshield! Looks beautiful and I look forward to helping get it set up and decorated! Hope you have decent weather for getting all those houses looked at before the 23rd and I will see you this week...whoo hoo!

  2. Is that for Christmas tree? We never had in our place, all we do is a little creativity or just buy a fancy xmas tree.

  3. We have had living trees and cut ones and the pack away ones depending on where we were at the time. It still a pleasure to dress the tree.

  4. That tree looks very big! Looks like you have a very big job ahead of you. I am all ready for Christmas and looking forward to it, plus I get the whole week off after! Merry Christmas to you!

  5. We only have the fancy christmas tree that we bought in the mall last year.

  6. I miss having a real Christmas tree. I began using a fake one several years ago, always meaning to go back to the real kind. This year I'll have to do without both.

  7. I'm with ratty, I miss a real tree. I went to fake the first year I was separated from my ex husband. The fake was just easier for me.

  8. Oh, it's a beauty! Can't wait to see it up, Sharkey. Push some stuff over and shove it in the room and just enjoy. :) I love a real tree, don't you?

  9. Loretta- wait until you see what I got for C-mas. Om gave it to me early and we are going to have FUN!

    chrisair- Yup- Christmas tree. It is Om's great love of the season- a real, big tree

    Carol- I find it less fascinating than Om does.

    Karen- it's about 10 feet. We used to have 18 footers in our old house. Those were a community project to decorate- we always had a party.

    borris- I expect you don't have tree farms just down the road from you!

    Ratty- not even a Charlie Brown tree? :-(

    Ann- The fake ones are getting better looking, but the smell of the real ones is great.

    Lin- well, a friend was coming tonight to help us get it up, but he couldn't, so now I think we have to wait till Wednesday. This may be the latest it's ever gone up.

  10. Well, since I am reading this from the latest post backwards, I saw the tree all beautifully decorated...what a magnificent sight it was.


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