Entries to Win Afghan

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Top Commenters- January and a Bumper

Here's the ugliness I've been driving with for a week.

damaged bumper

Now to better topics.

There were 43 different people who left messages in this month, and a total of 218 separate comments (not counting my own responses to them).

The top 10 commenters for Jan are:

Ann's Snap & Edit (Ann- 31 comments)- Ann is a clever crafter and "mom" to the ever-pupular Duke
Secondary Roads (Chuck- 23 comments)- Chuck's wrist has forced him into a short hiatus, but there's lots of good stuff on his blog
Duck & Wheel with String (Lin- 20 comments)- If you are looking for a crazy, snow-loving cat or a good laugh, visit Lin
The Everyday Adventurer (Ratty- 18 comments)- back to regular posting and commenting, with a whole new state to explore
My Journey (rainfield61- 15 comments)- a man who always captures the magic for us
The Joys of Simple Life (betchai- 11 comments) she'll take you to some great vistas, tied with
Carmen's Chronicles (Carmen- 11 comments)- Carmen is having a wonderful month in India
Spinning Lovely Days (Ivy- 10 comments)- now mom to two!
Duxbury Ramblers (Carole- 9 comments)- lovely hikes on the other side of the Atlantic
Jean's Musings (Jean- 8 comments)- another UK friend, writing and walking Jade

The small banner in the sidebar for a month is just a tiny way to say thanks for sharing your thoughts. Anyone who comments here is in the running!

Hey! Look what happened today- still waiting for the wiring harness for the license plate light, but no more ugliness.

new bumper

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  1. I'm glad you were able to get the bumper fixed. It's such a bad feeling to drive an injured car, remembering how nice it used to look.

  2. That's good your bumper is fixed!

    Your top commenters banner is nice.

  3. I never miss a day of visiting your blog Shark. Thanks for the link. My hand and wrist are beginning to heal, but I still have to go slow.

  4. Yay! I made it to the list again! Thanks, Sharkbytes!

  5. I feel I've been neglecting you lately. Sorry. I am consumed with my painting. I had a subaru forester until a year ago. Fantastic vehicle!

  6. looks like they did a good job putting on the new bumper. You must be thrilled to finally have it done

  7. Ratty- the car is getting pretty old and has some cancer, but the bumper was really bad!

    Karen- You could be there too!

    Carole- I'm pleased. They even washed and cleaned the car

    Chuck- Do what you need to do to get healthy

    Ivy- you do an amazing job with stopping by, given your responsibilities.

    John- just paint while you are so inspired! Yes, it's been a great car

    Ann- Makes me feel a little less like a tramp.

  8. Hmmmm...I thought I left a comment on this one. I'll bet it counted towards Ann's count! Hahaha!

    Anywho--LOVE the new bumper! Be careful with it, Sharkey!

    I still can't believe I'm behind Chuck in the comments--especially when he is out of commission. Ugh. I'm going to have to take advantage of his time off.......bwaaahhhhaaaa!


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