Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Where the Sandhill Cranes Nest (and an Answer)

Before we begin, do your have your guesses for the craft project in place? Early guesses were for a golf club cover or a cover for a wheeled table leg. Yesterday both Ann and Lin thought it might be a monkey.

Maggie and I did a roadwalk today. I skied this morning, but it was still mostly a mental exercise in telling myself it was fun. I didn't get all my ski trails mowed in the fall, and with only a little snow the tall grass really hampers forward motion. And the sun was softening things up and making the snow sticky. Solution for the afternoon...roadwalk.

We were accompanied by some strange monsters.

shadows of hikers

We walked along a paved road past the home of an acquaintance. She has told me that sandhill cranes nest in the little pockets of wetland behind her house. One year I saw some there. Of course they aren't there now! (They're vacationing in New Mexico and California)

This is one of those small low spots the cranes like because it's somewhat isolated.

small wetland

I know, it's not much to see, but it's the best thing we encountered on our walk.

And now... here's the answer.

crocheted sock monkey

Were you right?

See It's a Siege for sandhill cranes in a different wetland
See Birds, Birds, Birds for a crane flying
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