Entries to Win Afghan

Friday, April 27, 2012

X is for Xanthocephalus

About all I can say for this picture is that I took it myself, about four cameras ago. It was taken in northern Illinois in the summer of 1993.

This is a yellow-headed blackbird, Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus. It's the only species in that genus!
yellow-headed blackbird

My bird guy says they occasionally pass through here, but they mostly hang out west of Lake Michigan.

They are larger than the red-wing blackbird, and definitely louder!

That summer was the most amazing of my life. Chips was a puppy and we were staying on a 300 acre wetland reserve doing research.

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  1. Now that is what I call a highly convenient bird name, and it has to be a surefire winner!

  2. oh what a beautiful bird and an x one too

  3. So you didn't have to search for an X word. Good for you! Lovely pics. Thanks for stopping by my blog, http://angelasfreelancewriting.com

  4. How lucky to see that bird! Two Xs in one name and a rare bird! Visiting from Bloggin A to Z! Thanks for visiting my blog!

  5. Xcellent to have an X bird name. But I think your puppy is Xcellent is gorgeous too.

  6. how lucky to catch a shot of that bird and how cool that it fit right in for the letter x

  7. My first response was that it was a Prothonotary Warbler which we used to see a lot and which nested in our back yard when we lived in North Carolina. At first glance a very similar looking bird.

  8. Beautiful dog! That sounds like a great summer!


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