Entries to Win Afghan

Friday, May 25, 2012

Clear Springs- New Find

I had work assignments that kept me busy till after 6:30, but I had seen an entrance to the Clear Springs Nature Preserve on Wednesday, and wanted to check it out.

Clear Springs Nature Preserve

There was a map posted of the trails, but no way to figure out how long any of them might be. I took a chance on the longest, and ended up walking about two miles round trip back to the car.

beaver felled tree

Along the pond there was certain evidence of beaver activity, although I didn't see any lodges or natural dams.

There are two ponds and an old fish hatchery area. Today there was a lot of pollen floating on the water. It wasn't too attractive, but the reflections were nice.

trees reflected

The maple-leaved viburnum is in full bloom.

maple leaved viburnum

And finally, if one of you is missing your pet anteater, I know where it is.

tree root that looks like an anteater

See Clear Springs at the End of the Day
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  1. Wow! I love the ant eater. Well spotted. Looks like a nice place to walk.

  2. That is one great anteater. Way cool!

  3. looks like a nice park. Too funny with the anteater. I don't believe it's mine :)

  4. John- There are about 6 miles of trails. Very noisy near the freeway, but obviously well-used.

    Chuck- We have such great variety of wildlife!

    Shelly- well, this is just a township park, but I like all of them!

    Ann- aw... wouldn't Duke like a playmate?


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