Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Home Before the Storm

Yup, I made it home just as it began to rain! The 797-mile drive took almost exactly 14 hours. I was stiff, hot, and bored, but it was all uneventful, which is a very good thing to be able to say about a long drive.

Apparently the 100-degree heat turned my brain to mush. I often get some good thinking done in the car, but today I just vegged out and let the green scenery stream past with no memorable thought processes occurring.

About 5 miles from home I began seeing lightning, and stopped to take a picture of these awesome storm clouds. I think the second picture is what's called a shelf cloud.

storm clouds

shelf clouds

My trip was totally awesome, and now I have to buckle down and begin to get caught up with all the things I've ignored, including you, by blogging friends!

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  1. Well, it's good to be home, isn't it? Nothing like your own bed.

  2. Safely home after a good time with good friends.

  3. Welcome home, Joan. No doubt you'll soon be planning the next trip.

  4. Glad you beat the rain! Now I know what to call that kind of cloud. :)

  5. Welcome home. I hate those long drives. Glad to hear you had a great time.

  6. Lin- I DO like my own bed.

    Chuck- Lots of safe miles under my tires. I want to keep it that way.

    Jean- I'm always planning! The trick is how to pull them off.

    Ivy- I just learned it recently, myself

    Ann- I chose to do it in one huge chunk rather than have less time with Marie. I'm glad I did.

    Teresa- thanks for stopping by!

  7. Glad you are safely home. You certainly had an adventure.


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