Entries to Win Afghan

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


We've been one of the counties that's been listed as having moderate drought. Not sure this will be enough to solve all the problems with crops, but it sure was a nice bit of relief.

Here comes the cloud!

storm cloud

Followed quickly by the rain. Can you see it falling? It smelled SO good. I opened the deck door for the whole time it was raining just to let the cool air come in.
Lots of thunder and lightning, but it did rain for an hour.


The air has cooled down outside to about 70 degrees- absolutely wonderful!

See After the Rain
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  1. Happy for you! So hope some of that drops down this way. Drops..get it?

  2. Tuesday's rain went north of us. The weather radar showed a "close miss." We are getting a bit of rain today (Wednesday) and looks like you perhaps getting more. It sure is nice, isn't it?

  3. I live in Florida and its been raining everyday since Tropical Storm Debbie.


  4. Oooh, could use some of that rain and coolness. It's over 100 degrees again today. The hottest summer since we've lived here, without a doubt.

    But, glad you enjoyed it!

  5. We are in a drought too. I think if we were lucky we got a bout 5 minutes of rain. We need so much more. I see rain on the radar again today but not for here :(

  6. We had rain for about an hour today too. I was inside working though and didn't get to see it. I think I would have walked outside and just stood in it :)

  7. We had it today for a short while, but it was sooo nice to see the ground wet again!! More coming tonight....I HOPE!

  8. vanilla- I got it! I'd arrange for rain for you if I could.

    Chuck- It was lovely! The rain was a narrow band, but this time we got it.

    Shelly- people seem to have too much or not enough this year

    Elizabeth & Stacie- The drought is so bad for so many. The news is comparing it to the dust bowl years

    Ann- I did for a few minutes. It smelled so awesome!

    Lin- I think we are going to get some more too.


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