Entries to Win Afghan

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Wildlife of the Day

More work assignments, and a nice assortment of common, but fun wildlife.

Here's a squirrel outside someone's house. He certainly looks like he has no stress over where dinner will come from.

gray squirrel

In the same yard, a chipmunk so nonchalant he felt relaxed enough to take this uncharacteristic pose. Hardly gave me a thought... just glanced over his shoulder.


Can't ignore the amphibious buddies. Here's a smallish green frog. Probably this year's tadpole.

green frog

How about some more flutter-bys? Here's a head-on view of a very much alive little wood satyr that I just introduced a couple of days ago.

little wood satyr

And finally, a common buckeye. It was enjoying the damp mud near the green frogs.

common buckeye

Doing reports on the assignments tonight. Not nearly as much fun as being outside, but I can't complain about a nice collection of critters for the day!

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  1. That is a nice collection! I like the bullfrog, of course, but I like the chipmunk too. I don't have them in my yard. Probably a good thing with the kitties and all.

    Stay cool--I hear the heat is coming back. :(

  2. Oh me, and oh my
    What a wonderful eye
    You see all the fun
    Beneath the Earth's sun

    And you share it with folk like me.
    For that I can't but thank thee.

  3. Nice critters indeed. Photos are refreshing, giving us moments in the great outdoors with God's creatures.

  4. you did get a nice critter collection. Cute chipmunk. I've been seeing one on my porch lately.

  5. you did get a nice critter collection. Cute chipmunk. I've been seeing one on my porch lately.

  6. What a great job that gets you out and about for such wonderful photography. The squirrel and chipmunk posed so nicely for you, too...kind of like they are enjoying the attention.


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