Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, August 5, 2012

NCTA Conference 2012

I'm home! What a great time at the Annual North Country Trail Association Conference. There was no opportunity to connect and do a post over the weekend, and I didn't take as many pictures as some years.

Of course there were hikes- here's a rest stop taken during a hot walk.


There are lots of things which happen that are mostly of interest to North Country folks. But I'll share one anyway. Since the retirement last year of the only National Park Service Superintendent we've ever had, the woman on the left, Pam Schuler, has served as interim Superintendent. However, Mark Weaver, on the right, has been appointed. This will be a big change in one way. Previously we had to share the position with the Ice Age Trail, and the office was based in Madison, Wisconsin. Mark will be ours alone, and his office will be in Lowell, Michigan, where the NCTA office is. He really starts later this year, but it was great to get acquainted.

Mark Weaver

There is always plenty of time for fun, including music with a campfire.

small band

Marie and I spent as much time as possible with Irene (on lowest step), and Lois (highest). Lois has some serious health issues, and we only get to see her at these conferences.


I can hardly explain how much seeing all my trail friends means to me. About 100 of the people who come to conferences are regulars, and it's so good to see them every year.

It was a full, full, full weekend. Now I'm home, Marie has gone home, and real life definitely sets in.

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  1. Nice to be able to see old friends and have a good time. Then it's nice to get back home again too :)

  2. Oh, it's so sad when its over. :(

    Love the music and campfire--that is SOME band for a campfire! I don't usually have a cello or a drum set at ours. Hahaha!


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