Entries to Win Afghan

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Nature's Alphabet 2- R-T

I had a request today to use my nature alphabets in a pre-school in Wisconsin. Of course I said yes! But I need to get the second set finished up and posted. I have all the pictures, just need to get it done.

The letter R as seen in tree branches

the letter R

The letter S as seen in a curl of birch bark

the letter S

The letter T as seen in a mushroom

the letter T

See Alphabet Photo Index
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  1. hmmm..great idea. I think I will use it with the 3 5 yr olds in my English Language Learners classes! Will make a great game for them.

  2. A curious configuration for the R. Is that some wire that I see?

    Radio telegraphers use the RST reporting system. (Stands for Readability, Signal strength and Tone.) I enjoy this game.

  3. You are so good at finding the letters. I tried this once and aside from the really easy ones I couldn't find any

  4. Your nature's alphabet are some of the most memorable things for me. I always think of you when I see a letter of my own.

  5. How fun!! How did they find your alphabet??

  6. Hi Loretta- I would be honored if you did that!

    Chuck- no wire that I know of. It was just broken oddly and I got myself in a position where it "made" the R

    Ann- I can't stop seeing them any more

    Ratty- what are friends for, if not to make you nuts?

    Lin- She found them all on my photo site.

  7. Wow, what a creative idea! I especially love the R.

  8. Wow some great pics from nature.....


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