Entries to Win Afghan

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Are You Missing a Pet Grouse?

I'm half kidding. I doubt that this ruffed grouse is anyone's pet, but I've certainly never known one to act so tame before.

I was just backing out of a driveway (today was an assignment day), when this grouse ran across the lawn. Then it stopped running, and began walking slowly toward the car.

ruffed grouse

It kept coming toward the car, and I even moved forward a bit, and rolled down the window so I could take pictures. It wasn't even bothered enough to raise it's crest, but kept walking toward the car. I decided to chance getting out, to try for better pictures.

ruffed grouse

That's a good one! Notice the black line across the tail with no break near the middle. That means it's very likely a male. I guess that makes sense with how bold it was. I'm only about 10 feet away from it at this point. Before it turned around I actually wondered if it was going to charge me.

I think he's asking me for confirmation that his feathers are gorgeous!

ruffed grouse
I guess he finally decided he should act like a wild bird, and leave. But still no flying or running! He just lengthened his stride and walked away. Very strange, but wonderful!

ruffed grouse

I'm better again tonight. Sore throat almost gone, and despite a very full work day, I feel good.

See Ruffed Grouse
See More Grousing
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  1. It is a cool bird, I would love to see one. Great shots!

  2. What a fantastic encounter! Excellent photo study.

  3. His feathers are gorgeous. It's been years since I've seen a grouse, but I don't get out and around like you do. Glad to read that you are on the mend and doing well.

  4. Well wasn't that a great way to start the day off. He does have gorgeous feathers

  5. wow...what a delightful encounter!

  6. Eileen- I'm sure there are grouse in Maryland.

    vanilla- I took lots more pictures, but these are the best.

    Chuck- I've seen more in the last couple of years than ever before.

    Ann- I love the patterns on game birds and ducks

    Hi wenn- nice to see you!

    Loretta- Even getting out in the car seems to get me some good interactions


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