Entries to Win Afghan

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Finally, something interesting growing in the woods! Ramps! These are wild onions, Allium tricoccum, also called wild leeks. I should have taken time to dig some up to make soup. It's a treat. But I didn't think I had the time (either to dig or cook!) Maybe I'll find some nearer home next week. I didn't even pull one up to show you the base. They have an elongated bulb, not round like a garden onion. They smell strongly like both onion and garlic. Put together with potatoes, you can make a yummy soup.

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  1. Sounds like a flavor I'd enjoy. Must be so fun to forage in your woods. :)

  2. That does sound good! How about a dandelion salad on the side?

  3. I have seen these but didn't realize you could eat them. I'm betting Wade would like these

  4. Ivy- I wish I had time to do more.

    Chuck- I like dandelion greens cooked, but they are a bit rough alone as a salad. Mixed with other things they add some flavor.

    Ann- Yup! Just hunt for leek and potato soup

  5. Sounds good...I used to make a delicious mushroom leek bisque but it's been a few years now.


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