Entries to Win Afghan

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Too Tired

Well, friends. I have done assignments and reports 4 days this week and worked one night and one day at the paper. This clears my decks so I can make a fast trip to NY to help my friend Elaine move. I leave tomorrow morning. Have some things to do, but they will have to happen after I get some sleep.

It's all good, but I'm pooped. Talk to you from New York.

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  1. You are always on the move. I'm betting you probably run in your sleep....lol

  2. hello sharkbytes its dennis the vizsla dog hay hav a sayf trip to the mithikal land of noo york!!! dada sez to say hello to the adirondacks for him!!! ok bye

  3. Hope you have a safe and good trip.

  4. How do you have so much energy, Joan. At 68, I find myself wearing down. But I have been blessed to set my foot in 45 countries and 25 Caribbean islands and I've worked my posterior off for 45 years in nursing. I guess it's time to wear down.


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