Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Last Flight Home

A storm tried to roll in just before sunset. All that happened so far is some weird light, thunder and a few sprinkles. But a few stray birds were passing by on their way to shelter.

storm cloud and bird

In other news, I got two bookcases I bought at a yard sale cleaned, located, and filled with things from stacked boxes. I'm now officially three piles farther away from being on Hoarders.

See Yesterday's Storm
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  1. Only had a few drops down here. Nice pic of the turkey buzzard. I'm going to pretend that it's an eagle, even if I know better.

  2. it's been a mixture of cloudy and rainy all day long and it was the perfect day for catching up on doing nothing

  3. Beautiful sky...and how nice for you to find some bookcases to show off your acquisitions.


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