Entries to Win Afghan

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


I managed to complete a project today, and thought that would be the quality item, but it was instantly outclassed by a moonlit walk I took on my trail out back. It's two days away from the full moon, and this picture doesn't do it justice. There were moonshadows, but not enough light to get their picture. It was chilly but not cold, it was quiet.

Loving the cooler weather.

moon in clouds

See Two Directions, Same Time
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  1. I've been admiring the moon since last night. I opted to watch it from the warmth of my house though :)

  2. I got a couple of moon shots last night! I like yours very much.

  3. I got a couple of moon shots last night! I like yours very much.

  4. Ann, vanilla, rosey- we all have the moon in common!

    Chuck- I'm liking it very much lately. Spring used to be my fav, but I like the crisp dry air of fall a lot.

  5. My gosh, that is such a beautiful photo.


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