Entries to Win Afghan

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Chilly Northland Views

I'm sure glad I wasn't hiking today. I was out doing assignments and that was bad enough. It was 40 degrees, quite tolerable, but the wind was averaging 25 mph, which made it not very tolerable at all.

Somehow it seems like I left home last Friday and it was still fall, but returned home to the definite beginning of winter. For starters, I took a different north-south road today, and got another new view of Crystal Mountain. They aren't open or making snow yet, but the dusting we got is still on the slopes making it look wintery.

Crystal Mountain

Water looks different when it's cold too. I'm not sure why. It's more than the reflection of the sky color, and the missing leaves on the trees. Maybe it just looks sluggish and flat. This is the Betsie River. I don't see it very often, so I stopped to catch it flowing on toward Lake Michigan at Frankfort.

Betsie River

Even the sunset looks wintery-- those thin striped clouds. By that time (at the grocery store after finishing my assignments), the wind had risen to 30 mph. It was hard to walk across the parking lot.


It's a good evening to settle in at home and do reports, curled in a warm chair.

See Crystal Mountain
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  1. I like the last one with the gorgeous sky best!

  2. It is excellent weather for snuggling in a warm spot with a good book.

  3. Such pretty pictures! Sure doesn't look that cold in the photos, but I'm sure it was. Brrrr!

    Stay warm, Sharkey!

  4. Yep, it's curling up in a chair season :)
    That sky picture sure is pretty

  5. What a beautiful winter sky, though. I guess winter is settling in here in Mumbai as well...only 78 degrees this evening.


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