Entries to Win Afghan

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Arrival and Departure

I haven't seen any at my house, but have seen sandhill crane tracks at several work locations. Nice to know they have arrived, even if all they can find is snow.

sandhill crane tracks

Me, I'm working on a departure. Loretta and I are going to Alabama. We leave tomorrow morning! Gotta finish packing.

packing suitcase

See Crane or Heron
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  1. I haven't seen tracks, but I've seen them flying. Of course they make enough racket to make sound the surest way of tracking them.

  2. The sandhill cranes are arriving and you are leaving. At least, Alabama temperatures should be warming up by the time you get there. When I visited the South, in January, it was outrageously cold.

  3. hope you enjoy Alabama!


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