Entries to Win Afghan

Thursday, April 24, 2014

What Kind of Portent?

As I was leaving this morning, look who was hanging around on the barn roof. Hopefully, they don't know something about my immediate future. (Just kidding.)


It was a long and busy work day. I'll get my fun day some other day. But I did get to drive some new back roads. Still not very green here, but I like 'em anyway.

back road

back road

Thanks for all the birthday wishes! It was amazing. Something over 120 greetings on Facebook.

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  1. Turkey vultures have been good luck for me. It's cool that you got such a close up look at them. They've become some of my favorite birds.

  2. A friend of my husbands lives out in the country and he's got a ton of turkey vultures out there. They sure are an ugly bird.

  3. Oh,my. I scrolled by the picture on facebook, thought they were pigeons and wondered what the big deal was. Then I come here. Surely they are just resting on their long flight to wherever it is they are going!

  4. I see several of those turkey buzzards each day. I prefer to think of them as "the clean-up committee." When I see roads like that I have a deep longing to go exploring. I'm sure you understand.

  5. We have lots of those guys around here. ;o) Beautiful photos - love roads like these.

  6. hello sharkbytes its dennis the vizsla dog hay happy belayted birthday!!! and i wood not wurry abowt those turkee vultchers on the roof we had a run in with wun of those wunse and the only thing that happend was that we got a nice roast for thanksgiving!!! ha ha ok bye


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