Entries to Win Afghan

Thursday, May 15, 2014

More Food and Flowers


For this trip, we need 14 cold meals, 1 hot meal, 3 breakfasts, and 11 snacks. The other breakfasts we'll eat from the cooler at a base camp (that food is bought at the last minute), and the other hot meals we'll eat out. Remember, this is part backpacking, and part slackpacking (day hiking from car to car). Marie's back is not being good this week, so we are checking all weights carefully.

Hike food is progressing nicely. Maybe you can't see much difference in these piles from last time, but there is. A lot more ingredients have been dried and put in their packaging, and five meals are completely done with the labels. When the label is added I know that meal is totally ready to go.

I was slowed down tonight by the fact that we are out of salad dressing, and I didn't realize it. But there is still enough time available that I don't have to panic and run right out to the store.

backpacking meals

It rained all day and was miserably cold. But I wasn't out in it. And, I'm putting it in big print that I feel significantly better. Normal, even. I was a little worried about the hike there for a while, but had to proceed on the assumption that all would be well.

The poor little wildflowers, Spring Beauty, Claytonia caroliniana, were drooping with the weight of the water.

backpacking meals

See Wildflowers Everywhere
See Hot Meal Menu- Expanded View
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  1. slackpacking sounds like the way I would do it. I kind of like the sound of that :)
    Glad you're feeling better

  2. Sure takes a lot of work and planning to "go for a walk."

  3. That seems to be not a simple walk.


  4. If you run into any problems on the trail, I'll be nearby. My email is silverneurotic@gmail.com...I'm move than happy to give you my phone # in case of any problems.

  5. Seems like you could make a business out of "hike coordination and meal planning"...you have it down to a science.


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