Entries to Win Afghan

Friday, June 13, 2014

Second Hiking Day- May 24- Alder Lake and Wildmeadow Rd


Let's be honest. Marie was not the only one who wasn't excited about backpacking after that first, tough day. I was really shocked at how tired I was, and my insides weren't back to normal (still aren't, but that's another story, with less quality). So we decided to figure out a way to do all of the remaining Finger Lakes Trail as day hikes. It took a lot of driving, and some creative rearranging- not hiking contiguous pieces, but we did it.

So on this day, first we hiked three little miles from Big Pond over to Alder Lake at the next road. These were trail miles.

Catskill map

You can practically count on seeing old stone foundations on eastern hikes. We always love to speculate about who lived here and what kind of people they were. You can deduce more than you might think from a pile of stones.

stone foundation

These shelf fungus were on a broken branch that was flipped over to show the undersides.


Then we moved the cars- it took a lot of time- few roads, all narrow with lots of curves, but the routes were beautiful too. See how the hills just swallow the roads? (that's mist rising from the hill, not smoke)

Catskill road

We added 6.5 miles of the road walk to this day, which took us down Wild Meadow Road and then into Claryville.

Catskill map

Sometimes you get the nicest views of the hills from the road walks because there aren't so many trees in the way. I always love the hills.


And, guess what? There's always that little blue bedroom at the end of the day! Dry, snug, and ready to shelter us for a nice rest.


See First Hiking Day- May 23
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  1. Looks like some serious elevation changes on that 3 mile leg of your hike.

  2. Serious hikers are flexible, and you made some clever adaptations.

  3. You had some beautiful views there.


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