Entries to Win Afghan

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Lone Elk Road

Out doing cases this afternoon. Trying to save some miles by using back roads. I was just following my nose north, as long as there was no sign "Dead End" or "No Outlet" ahead of me. However, road signs are often lacking at many of these intersections.

Turned a corner and said to myself, "I've been here before!" I had come in from the other direction looking for an elusive address (that turned out to be wrong). Then I knew I was going to come out where I wanted to.

Lone Elk Road

And I did! That end of the road has a sign: Lone Elk Road. I did not see the elk. If there ever was one it's been decades since they were wild in this area. Probably just someone's idea of a northwoods name. But it was my kind of road!

See Entering the Tunnel
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