Entries to Win Afghan

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Silver Lake- A New Perspective

Today was a wonderful surprise gift. It was supposed to be raining, the end of our nice weather. Instead we had another blue sky, mild day. I was out doing assignments.

One of the best parts of this job is that I often get to enter private communities which gives me the chance to see views from perspectives usually denied to the public. Often this involves bodies of water because people like their private lakeshore homes.

This time I got to see the south end of Silver Lake, the one with the really big and bare sand dunes. These views work you around the end of the lake. This one just said "north" to me.

Silver Lake

The very end where the shoreline turns is marshy. Pretty typical of small lakes.

Silver Lake

Working north again on the far side, there was still late fall color to enjoy. I like the rusts and golds as well as the earlier, brighter colors.

Silver Lake

And finally, the long view, showing you how far down the lake those bare dunes are. They are the dominant feature of the public areas. Here, not so much. Just about a mile from the Silver Lake shore, up over the dunes and down the back side, is Lake Michigan. One small creek drains from the end pictured here out into the big lake.

Silver Lake

And, just because I was at a location on Lake Michigan again today, it was in a mood for changes. Waves moving in. A cold wind off the water that made me put on my coat. Sand fence already installed to slow the drifting. Today was also the last day of the sailing season for the S.S.Badger. The Great Lakes are known for bad November storms that take ships down. They always stop running the ferry at the end of October.

Silver Lake

That next season is on its way!

See Silver Lake
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  1. You must have an interesting job to get out to such places.

  2. Beautiful, but those pix make me want to put on a warm jacket and cap.

  3. all pretty views but that last picture is stunning


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