Entries to Win Afghan

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Take the Back Way, Find the Great Lakes

One of the things Ester and I particularly like is to follow the philosophy to always take a back road, whenever possible. Thus we followed our instincts as we started home, at least until it got dark. We were driving through a section of the Mackinac State Forest and pulled in at an historical marker to eat our "picnic" (leftovers) dinner.

We learned that we were at the site of Camp Lunden, a CCC camp. The camp was in operation from 1933 to 1936. The men built roads and firebreaks, planted trees, dug trout ponds, and cleared the land for the Atlanta (MI) airport.

But that didn't tire these guys out. No siree. They got fed up with living in tents so they built their own barracks, a mess hall and some other unspecified buildings. I'm guessing there was a privy or two, eh?

Still not tired from digging and building, they decided to become the helpers of Pecos Bill in the north. They dug the Great Lakes.

Great Lakes model

See, there's Ester standing in Gary, Indiana. An elevated viewing platform would have been helpful, but you can figure it out. The state of Michigan shows up pretty clearly here.

Great Lakes model

The ponds don't look as if they had any water in them this year. Originally, they were fed from an artesian well. I had to go visit Scottville.

Great Lakes model

This may be the last of my posts about our trip, but it sure was a great adventure.

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  1. Strange pond configurations. ;-)

  2. Another adventure.

    After another adventure.

  3. Wow! What a neat place. I enjoyed the 'visit.'

  4. I like your philosophy. Back roads are always better

  5. You always enjoy your adventures and it's nice that you share them.


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