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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

At the Bird Feeder

The best things to happen today happened at the bird feeder. Now we are having a real storm. The squirrel seems to have hunkered down, and the birdies sure took advantage of it.

The little junco seems to be asking the cardinal if he can share.

bird feeder
The answer is, YES.

bird feeder

A downy woodpecker showed up too. And the blue jay is usually nearby. That's his tail hanging down.

bird feeder

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  1. You've got a lot of visitors there. I haven't seen any birds on our feeder in quite some time

  2. How nice that they are willing to share. They are so pretty against the winter white.

  3. I find it interesting to watch the interaction between the species that come to the feeder. The juncos seem content to feed on what hits the ground. Perhaps it makes them less vulnerable to predators on the wing.


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