Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, December 21, 2014

It Snowed on Halls Crossing

I'm still lost in my train game. Level 37 now. Having lots of fun. I named my station Halls Crossing. On top of that, I became a millionaire (look in the top right corner and you'll see my game currency!) You can click the picture to make it bigger.

If you think you want to become addicted, the game is TrainStation.

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  1. Looks fun. I get addicted to games like this too. I usually end up having to stay away from them to keep from getting so wrapped up in them. :)

  2. oh cool, I can say that I actually know a millionaire. :)

  3. No, thanks. I don't need an addiction today.

  4. Oh, I have to stay away from those games. I get addicted to them so easily! But, I am impressed with your score.

  5. hello sharkbytes its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow a millyunaire!!! obviusly all of my git ritch kwik skeems hav ben targeted at the rong kind of bizness!!! ok bye


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