Entries to Win Afghan

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Spirit of the Woods Hike- January 2015

I confess that I had a hard time making myself go to this hike, but I'm glad I did. There were quite a few new people. Fifteen hikers in all. No one ever got a picture of everyone together.


My head was so fuzzy, and the walking challenging with just enough snow to cover obstacles and create resistance, that I took very few pictures.

Lightly dusted baby jack pines caught my eye.

jack pines

We quickly split into several groups, and I spent a lot of time in the caboose because wanted to talk with the couple who were in the rear. They are great hikers and last month I hardly said hello to them. They are the owners of Lily, the beagles' beagle who can out-beagle any other tiny hound I know. They are beginning to get some control of her with a radio collar training system.


We actually hiked a portion that I maintain, but it sure looks different in winter.

Spend the rest of the day dozing off and playing my game. I didn't manage any sleep before the hike, and that totally messes with my head.

See Spirit of the Woods Hike- December 2014
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  1. Love the little Beagle it has always been part of the hunting scene over here, fantastic working dogs & scent hounds, to me they are mini foxhounds.

  2. I can relate to having a hard time making yourself do something. I normally lose that battle though :)

  3. A very interesting hiking experience.

  4. Carol- I really love Beagles. Lily is a hoot. The other dogs on the hike like to have their names spoken and be petted and whatever. Lily doesn't hear a thing. She is just off, nose to the ground!

    Ann- I LOVE these hikes. I really don't want to give them up because of this stupid job

    Rainfield- don't you want to hike in the snow?

  5. Beagles are so cute. I'm more used to seeing them in airports, sniffing luggage than out in fields ( not that I am a hiker )...maybe in the next life.

    I really admire you for being so healthy and fit and active, Joan.

  6. Beagles are so cute. I'm more used to seeing them in airports, sniffing luggage than out in fields ( not that I am a hiker )...maybe in the next life.

    I really admire you for being so healthy and fit and active, Joan.

  7. Beagles are so cute. I'm more used to seeing them in airports, sniffing luggage than out in fields ( not that I am a hiker )...maybe in the next life.

    I really admire you for being so healthy and fit and active, Joan.


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